We finally made it to Belgium sometime Tuesday after many hours on airplanes! Today was our first day out in the city, and we saw some fun things!
This picture is kind of hard to read, but the sign says, "FRITUUR." Daddy said that meant we could get french fries, so we were happy!
Wait, I thought we were going to Rush's!
You say this dip is good? I'm up for trying any kind of dip! "Bip. bip, bip," as I like to say!
These are delicious!
Then we had to go pick up a few diapers, and Mommy and Daddy made me carry them all the way home! Can you believe it?! The package is almost as big as I am! (I'm kidding. I volunteered to carry them. They kept me warm!)
It was a fun first outing, and you can expect pictures from many more!
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