Thursday, January 30, 2014

Playing at the Park

*This was actually yesterday's post, but it didn't post for some reason! Sorry you were without something new to read yesterday! :)

There's a park that is not too far from our home for the month, and we needed some time outside today, so off we went! (As a side note, while it is chilly here, the weather is nothing like all of the snow pictures we are seeing from home!)

Riley Cates climbing (her favorite activity).

Go, Riley Cates! You can do it!

Finally made it, and now it is time to slide down!

I think I will try it too!

Ooh, look at this bridge. It's a little wobbly. Someone should look into that.

But if you focus real hard...

You can get across!

My favorite part of the park is right behind these leaves. Come check it out!

There's a fort inside!

Riley Cates fell and hurt her hand on the bamboo. Poor Sissy!

So back out we went, and I headed to the sail boat.

Riley Cates wanted some more sliding!

She and Jonah raced to get there!

I climbed up and then tried going down the pole. It's a little scary at first, but you get used to it!

"I'm the king of the world!" (Aunt Abby taught me that!)

On our way home we watched the airplanes getting ready to land at the airport. They looked so close I thought we could touch them! You'd think we would get tired of planes and trains since we see them all of the time right now, but you'd be wrong. They are so awesome!


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