Monday, April 28, 2014

To Market, To Market

One of our fun Saturday morning activities is to head to the Hexham Market to get lots of yummy fruits and vegetables. There was a lot more going on when we got into town this week!

There were lots of booths set up with people selling things. Daddy bought some pepperoni that looks really yummy!

The normal fruit and veggie people were there too.

They heard me and Riley Cates talking about how much we love pears, and they gave us some to eat!


Here is a picture of some of the other stands and people, and you can even see the pretty Hexham Abbey in the background. By the way, an abbey is a church. It sounds like Aunt Abby, and we were very disappointed that we were not getting to see her when Mommy told us we were walking by the Abbey!

I loved all of the decorations hanging from the buildings! I also loved the street dancers. They were fun to watch!

We all had to stick together while walking around! Safety first!

We took one of the side streets to check out a park. They had a map to look at, which made me super happy!

Aren't all the flowers so pretty?

We sure do live in a beautiful place!


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