It's a funny story now anyway (I don't think Mommy and Daddy thought it was particularly funny at the time!). We had to go pick up a bookshelf from a friend, and we thought it would just take a little while. Well, we went right at rush hour, so a trip that normally takes 30 minutes took over an hour! Yikes! Even though we had supper ready at home, we were too hungry to make it all the way back. Yay for McDonald's! (I think we have eaten at McDonald's more since we have been in Europe than we ever did in the States!) Then we noticed we were almost out of gas and didn't know where to find a gas station. When we finally found one, it was closed! We found a few more closed ones before driving back to the McDonald's area because we knew there was one there. Although we added another hour onto our trip at this point, we were thankful to be able to continue driving! We were supposed to run in the store on the way home to pick up breakfast, but we were all too tired at that point, so we found Krispy Kreme! Totally not a typical British evening, but we were happy with our American finds... and with making it safely home without running out of gas!
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